This is it folks! This is a gallery of visualizations I have created that are published on Tableau Public. Clicking on the screenshots below will take you to the interactive graph on Tableau Public.
This was my next big claim to fame. I was asked to refresh the Best Jobs viz and had this idea to completely redesign it into a quiz. It is published on, it was embedded into Business Insider, and has landed over 280,000 views. It is also the first visualization created that I designed "mobile first".
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This viz is my claim to fame! It was chosen as the Tableau Public Viz of the Day in August 2014! It has nearly 315,000 views, the most of any viz I have created. It was created for our annual Job Meaning package on It was a revamp and refresh of a viz that was created for the same package the previous year that saw about 24,000 views.